Saturday, November 22, 2008

Life as a Dog

Not only do we laugh at Avolyn a thousand times a day. We also have 3 dogs that most of the time are so much fun. A few weekends ago we had a pretty hellish 30 minutes or so. We were just getting done cleaning up an explosive diaper present from Avolyn (a present that was up her back) when Mike saw that one of the dogs had puked on our bed. Hunter and Prudence puke every once in a while but NEVER on our bed. Mike was cleaning it up as I was nursing Avolyn. As soon as Mike was done cleaning up the mess he got the cage out so Hunter would be safe and not puke anywhere. Hunter decides to puke in the corner of the couch...which he has NEVER done before either. I was throwing away some paper towels I see Prudence by the back door squatting and peeing. Why not have 4 explosive exciting messes to clean up in a matter of a few 30 minutes or so. Perhaps we need to buy stock in paper towels! It is a good thing we love our dogs. I think that they are getting adjusted to Avolyn and hopefully pretty soon she will get to clean up all of their messes!
Hunter and Prudence waiting in line to eat

Hunter being a diva
Prudence and Avolyn hanging out

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