Friday, October 31, 2008

One Month

It is hard to believe that our little pumpkin is 4 weeks old today. Avolyn is doing very well. We have been a little concerned about her weight. She had lost 2 pounds by week 2. We have been working very hard on helping her gain weight. I think a lot has to do with my milk supply. Nursing has been frustrating and wonderful all at the same time. I think that finally my milk is in better and able to give Avolyn more of what she needs. I think also I just do not make as much milk as our little piglet needs, so we have been supplementing with an ounce of milk after nursing for 20 minutes on each side. This has seemed to work, but then Avolyn most of the time is hungry again an hour to a hour and a half later. This makes a pretty sore and exhausted mama. Good news, we went back to the doctor today and Avolyn has gained an ounce a day and is now weighing in at 9.5 we are very happy and are confident that she will continue gaining. We have had many more visitors in the past weeks and Avolyn has had her first road trip to Plainfield. I realize it is only 45 minutes, but it is a start. She has experienced her first live music and bonfire. She continues to express herself in fun a different ways. Avolyn has given us her first smiles and always makes us laugh.

Enjoy the new pictures...

Auntie Rose meeting Avolyn and fixing us an amazing dinner

My Aunties and Mom visiting

Avolyn andMamaYes, she is wearing shoes

Papa and Beefcake...I think they look a lot alike in this picture.

Many faces of Avolyn...
And finally, Avolyn had to experience her first holiday in style. Granny (my mom) bought Avolyn her first Halloween outfit that she sported around all day today. We went to the doctor, to my work, and to vote. She was pretty much the highlight of everyones day I am sure. Thanks Granny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg! i just wanna hug her and kiss her and do it all again! glad to hear she has gained an ounce. shoot girl, hang with me and she is bound to add some weight...or not :) Love the Gonsers! Mandi