Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Card Picture??

Just wanted to know if anyone else thought this would be an excellent Christmas card picture? Poor Avolyn was not excited at all...

Thanksgiving, Daycare and a Cold

Avolyn in her Thanksgiving outfit.

Avolyns' first Thanksgiving was a busy long weekend full of friends and family. We went to Grandpa Eli's house on Thursday where Avolyn finally met Billy and Amy. We got to Grandpas and Billy and Amy had beat us there. Avolyn was asleep and was asleep until her cousin Cameron tried to share his cracker with her. What a loving guy. Amy and Billy were so excited to meet Avolyn and were anxiously awaiting her bright eyes to open. Amy said it best when she said, "its like a Christmas present that you just have to look at and can't touch".Our day was full of eating, game playing, shooting, eating and fellowship. I was told to bring a cheese ball and had never made one before. I wowed the family by making two. One called a cowboy cheese ball that was a little spicy and then a fruit cheese ball that had dried fruit in it and they both turned out pretty good. No, I did not take a picture of it...surprised huh? Actually, if I would have thought of it, I probably would have. It was great seeing our family and we are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with them.Hanging out with Grandma...
...and Great Grandpa Eli...

...and Aunt Rachael.
Friday we went to Spring Mill where my mom, dad and brother Tim where celebrating Thanksgiving. They had many people come and go throughout the weekend, but Saturday was our day. Dad, Tim, Mike and I went out for a hike around the lake while Mom and Avolyn hung out in the lodge. The hike was great. We became experts in beavers as we investigated many aspects of a beavers life. There was a fantastic dam and many half-eaten trees. We also saw a blue heron and a huge hornets nest on our hike. After our hike we ate lunch in the lodges restaurant and then hung out in the room and chatted and watched Avolyn sleep. Who knew watching a baby sleep would be so fascinating.
Mike, Tim and Dad
The beaver dam through the trees

the blue heron
the hornets nest

Our weekend went by way to fast and that meant Monday morning started daycare...and work. It was a hard first week for me, but Avolyn is doing great at daycare. I drop her off around 6 and Mike picks her up around 2. That means that we wake up around 4:30 so that we can get everything accomplished in the morning. The ladies at the daycare seem really great and spoil Avolyn rotten. They are not able to use cloth diapers because of state laws, but we are still using them on the weekends and at night. Mike has Fridays off so Avolyn stays home with him then, and Sundays she gets mama time, because Mike works Sundays. Monday was the worst for me, and I did cry after dropping Avolyn off Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I know it is going to be good for her to be around other kids, and it has been good going back to work, if only she could come with me, or at least just be in the room right next door...maybe I can work on that.

Thursday Avolyn started cold-like symptoms and we have been working with them all weekend long. I think it is more annoying than anything for her, and it gave us all an excuse to stay in our pajamas all day on Saturday. She has been better today not coughing to much and we haven't had to suck her nose as much today, so hopefully it is almost gone. I got some saline drops at the store tonight, so if we need them they are here.

Week 2 of our new routine starts tomorrow, hopefully it will go as smoothly as week 1. We leave you with the many faces of Avolyn for the past 2 weeks...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Too Many Pictures?

So what, I take a lot of pictures of my family. I just can't get enough. So if you are tired of looking at pictures of Avolyn just skip this post. I forgot to put the many faces of Avolyn on the last post soooooo here it goes...

There they are. I hope all of these pictures makes up for me not posting for a few weeks.

Our Piggy

Avolyn had a doctors appointment Friday. Good news all around. The doctor says that Avolyn is right on track. She weighed in at an even 12 pounds which puts her in the 95 percentile and is 22.25 inches which is in the75 percentile. The doctor says to keep on doing what we are doing and he will see us in another 2 months. Avolyn also got her first round of shots, she did a great job and so did mama. I did not cry one tear out. I was pretty proud of myself. She slept a lot yesterday and her left leg was swollen but by this morning it was back to normal and so was Avolyn.

We also were able to speak to another lactation consultant. Hopefully soon nursing will be a positive experience for both of us. I am working very hard on being positive and not giving up. I am on an oral pill for another week and also putting a combination of a few creams to help as well that the consultant gave me. The lactation consultant assured me that I was doing everything right. She was able to give me a few pointers and if the pills and creams do not work there are 2 other suggestions that she discussed with us. Hopefully soon I will be feeling better and will be totally pain free!! At least that is the goal. I still have 2 other people that I want to talk to about nursing. I am not giving up until I have dried up all of my resources.

I start back at work on December 1, which I am dreading. This is the last full week that I will have with Avolyn and that makes me very sad. I know she will do just great, and it will be good for her to start with a good routine and being around other children, but Mike and I both wish that I could stay home. We have found a daycare very close to our house. The woman has been doing home daycare for 40 years and just really seems to love children. I am sure it will work wonderfully, it is just really really hard for me.

We are spending Thanksgiving day with Mikes family and will FINALLY see Amy and Billy. We have not seen them since we went to visit pre-Avolyn. They have not met Avolyn yet, and we cannot wait to spend some time with them this week. We will also see my parents on Friday at Spring Mill for the traditional state park Thanksgiving. It has been a long time since mom has had the excuse of a baby to not go on a night hike. Enjoy the pictures of the past few weeks of our lives. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Mike and his little girl

The Gonser Girls

Grandude (my dad) and Grandpa (Mikes dad) getting some Avolyn time

The quilt that Avolyn is laying on was made by Elizabeth (Jordans beautiful wife). It is perfect and matches Avolyns going home outfit perfectly. Thank you Liz!

Tuckered out after a doctors appointment

Mike thinks Avolyn looks like Linus in this picture.

Avolyns "war wounds"

Life as a Dog

Not only do we laugh at Avolyn a thousand times a day. We also have 3 dogs that most of the time are so much fun. A few weekends ago we had a pretty hellish 30 minutes or so. We were just getting done cleaning up an explosive diaper present from Avolyn (a present that was up her back) when Mike saw that one of the dogs had puked on our bed. Hunter and Prudence puke every once in a while but NEVER on our bed. Mike was cleaning it up as I was nursing Avolyn. As soon as Mike was done cleaning up the mess he got the cage out so Hunter would be safe and not puke anywhere. Hunter decides to puke in the corner of the couch...which he has NEVER done before either. I was throwing away some paper towels I see Prudence by the back door squatting and peeing. Why not have 4 explosive exciting messes to clean up in a matter of a few 30 minutes or so. Perhaps we need to buy stock in paper towels! It is a good thing we love our dogs. I think that they are getting adjusted to Avolyn and hopefully pretty soon she will get to clean up all of their messes!
Hunter and Prudence waiting in line to eat

Hunter being a diva
Prudence and Avolyn hanging out

Friday, October 31, 2008

One Month

It is hard to believe that our little pumpkin is 4 weeks old today. Avolyn is doing very well. We have been a little concerned about her weight. She had lost 2 pounds by week 2. We have been working very hard on helping her gain weight. I think a lot has to do with my milk supply. Nursing has been frustrating and wonderful all at the same time. I think that finally my milk is in better and able to give Avolyn more of what she needs. I think also I just do not make as much milk as our little piglet needs, so we have been supplementing with an ounce of milk after nursing for 20 minutes on each side. This has seemed to work, but then Avolyn most of the time is hungry again an hour to a hour and a half later. This makes a pretty sore and exhausted mama. Good news, we went back to the doctor today and Avolyn has gained an ounce a day and is now weighing in at 9.5 we are very happy and are confident that she will continue gaining. We have had many more visitors in the past weeks and Avolyn has had her first road trip to Plainfield. I realize it is only 45 minutes, but it is a start. She has experienced her first live music and bonfire. She continues to express herself in fun a different ways. Avolyn has given us her first smiles and always makes us laugh.

Enjoy the new pictures...

Auntie Rose meeting Avolyn and fixing us an amazing dinner

My Aunties and Mom visiting

Avolyn andMamaYes, she is wearing shoes

Papa and Beefcake...I think they look a lot alike in this picture.

Many faces of Avolyn...
And finally, Avolyn had to experience her first holiday in style. Granny (my mom) bought Avolyn her first Halloween outfit that she sported around all day today. We went to the doctor, to my work, and to vote. She was pretty much the highlight of everyones day I am sure. Thanks Granny!