Friday, May 29, 2009

Vacation and Uncle Tim...

We are on VACATION!!! It is due time for a much needed break from work. We are vacationing in luxurious Bloomington, IN. I have heard it is a great place. I have a long list of things that I want to accomplish this week. I also want to just relax and enjoy some TLC from Mike and AV. Avolyn wants to crawl so bad, so we will be "baby-proofing" the house this week, it will not be to long.

My brother Tim called a few days ago. I find myself missing him a lot. I have heard that the conection between the youngest and oldest is something pretty great, and I would have to agree. I am so lucky to have a family that loves each other AND enjoys each others company. I have a great relationship with my sister, and all of my brothers.

Tim and I have lived in Bloomington at the same time for many years. In fact, when he first moved down here he lived with Mike and I for several months, and it was great. Even though Tim has roamed around a bit he always seems to come back to Bloomington, and I couldn't be happier that he does come back. This time he is in Vermont exploring with his lady friend Katie. I am thrilled that he is on a new journey, but a part of me wants him to be back in Bloomington. They are having a fantastic time, and I knew they would. Tim and Katie are 2 of the most postive people that I know and they are always up for a good time. Tim has also been around to be a pretty important person in Avolyns life. Avolyn is so lucky to have many positive adults in her life. The bond that Avolyn and Tim has is priceless...

This video was taken back in February so that would make Avolyn 4ish months old. Its an oldie but a goody.

I love you Tim and I am glad that you are starting a new adventure. I hope that you enjoy these pictures of you and Porktrain.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Harper Kirtley Baker!

I know that this was the first Mothers Day for me, but it will be hard to top this one. Avolyn and I had started off our Mothers Day together hanging out at home, awaiting Mike to come home from work. I received a phone call at about 9:30 that Rose and mom were heading to the hospital. Mike, Tim, Avolyn and I made it to the hospital a few hours later. It was such a beautiful day. I knew Rose was a strong woman, and last Sunday she proved herself over and over again. My big part was holding her left leg and shouting out encouraging words. Mom was also in the room when Rose gave birth. She pushed for about 30 minutes and then we saw this little cutie...

8 Lbs. 10 oz. 22 inches

All cleaned up

Proud Granny and Grandude

I spent the first night in the hospital with Rose. Harper and Rose both did such a great job. Rose and I had a lot of fun laughing and spending time with each other. It will be a Mothers Day that I will never forget. Rose and Harper are still doing well. Harper is doing a great job nursing, and has continued to gain weight. Every day Rose is feeling stronger and learning how to be sleep deprived and take care of a little one. Harper likes to cry a lot and is a pretty gassy babe, but Rose is a very patient woman and is working hard on trying to get him happy. He is sleeping several hours in his crib each day.

Avolyn is not quite sure about Harper yet. The first time she saw Harper she wasn't to interested. The second time she looked him up and down, and this past weekend she couldn't figure out why I was holding Harper and Rose was holding her. Tim was patiently waiting at the hospital (I am sorry I do not have a picture of Tim holding Harper and the hospital on my camera). Tim and Katie then came to visit after Rose and Harper got home before they left for Vermont. Jordan and Elizabeth came to visit this past weekend. It was great to see them for an evening. The first week of June Dan and Erica will come and meet Harper. Rose has been busy with many other friends and relatives stopping by to visit with Harper and her.

Welcome to Motherhood Rose, may you always have love, patience and strength in your day. And always know I am just a phone call or an hour away.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ashes to Ashes...Better to Better....HACKA-ZOOKA!

My Grandpa Baker was able to let go of this life on April 21st. We celebrated his life on April 24th, and in my own way, I have been celebrating his life for the past couple of weeks, and now am able to be at peace with my feelings.

My Grandpa was a crazy man. He knew how to love, and he knew how to hate. He knew how to express himself by his words, but even more so by his music. He was a passionate man. He loved to tell horrible jokes. He had this way of ending his jokes with his hand on the side of his mouth and then laugh and smile, a huge warm smile. His fingers were crazy long...perfect for a man who played the trumpet for the majority of his life. He was a ladies man. He was the happiest when he was with a woman, and for those women in his life, I am grateful. Probably because of them, my grandpa was encouraged to have a relationship with his children and grandchildren. His obituary was proof of his 'womanizer' ability with 4 special lady friends listed.

The end of his journey he was able to reconnect and let go of the past. He was able to love in a completely new way. He met Avolyn a few months ago. Aunt Cathy took Avolyn into Grandpas room and Aunt Cathy asked him to open his eyes and tell her what she saw. Grandpa said, "I see a bald baby". Which, if you knew Grandpa you would know that he eyesight was something less than desirable, but in my heart, I know he saw her, and I am glad that they had that moment.

Near the end of his life he was visited by many different people, either by his dreams, and/or maybe even spirits. He was told by a spirit man "Ashes to ashes, better to better". And for Grandpa, I know that he is now better to better. Grandpa was not one to give up, even on life. But for some reason I feel that when he was told better to better, he was alright, and knew there was something 'better'. Whatever that is. He is better, not in pain, and probably happy to have his teeth back to play some music with all of his lady friends around him. He probably has a never-ending cigarette in one hand, a beer in the other hand, and saying something about a Hocka and a Zooka (Grandpas saying for eeevvverrrything!)
Looking back on Grandpas life, he has taught me a lot. I have been very fortunate to have his passion for music. He has reminded me that even at the end of the road, there is room to learn something new. The most important piece of Grandpa that he has given me is my warm, friendly, patient, loving dad. Sometimes I wonder how my Dad is how he is. I sure am lucky to have such a great dad, and am thankful to Grandpa, for whatever he did or did not do, my dad is the best. If you don't know my dad, you should, because he is the best Dad and the best Grand-dude there ever was or ever will be.

Hacka, you will be miss, but celebrated for the rest of my life. I love you, and will always have a special place in my heart for you...

And now because there cannot be a post without a picture or 2 of Avolyn...