Friday, May 29, 2009

Vacation and Uncle Tim...

We are on VACATION!!! It is due time for a much needed break from work. We are vacationing in luxurious Bloomington, IN. I have heard it is a great place. I have a long list of things that I want to accomplish this week. I also want to just relax and enjoy some TLC from Mike and AV. Avolyn wants to crawl so bad, so we will be "baby-proofing" the house this week, it will not be to long.

My brother Tim called a few days ago. I find myself missing him a lot. I have heard that the conection between the youngest and oldest is something pretty great, and I would have to agree. I am so lucky to have a family that loves each other AND enjoys each others company. I have a great relationship with my sister, and all of my brothers.

Tim and I have lived in Bloomington at the same time for many years. In fact, when he first moved down here he lived with Mike and I for several months, and it was great. Even though Tim has roamed around a bit he always seems to come back to Bloomington, and I couldn't be happier that he does come back. This time he is in Vermont exploring with his lady friend Katie. I am thrilled that he is on a new journey, but a part of me wants him to be back in Bloomington. They are having a fantastic time, and I knew they would. Tim and Katie are 2 of the most postive people that I know and they are always up for a good time. Tim has also been around to be a pretty important person in Avolyns life. Avolyn is so lucky to have many positive adults in her life. The bond that Avolyn and Tim has is priceless...

This video was taken back in February so that would make Avolyn 4ish months old. Its an oldie but a goody.

I love you Tim and I am glad that you are starting a new adventure. I hope that you enjoy these pictures of you and Porktrain.

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