Monday, May 18, 2009


Harper Kirtley Baker!

I know that this was the first Mothers Day for me, but it will be hard to top this one. Avolyn and I had started off our Mothers Day together hanging out at home, awaiting Mike to come home from work. I received a phone call at about 9:30 that Rose and mom were heading to the hospital. Mike, Tim, Avolyn and I made it to the hospital a few hours later. It was such a beautiful day. I knew Rose was a strong woman, and last Sunday she proved herself over and over again. My big part was holding her left leg and shouting out encouraging words. Mom was also in the room when Rose gave birth. She pushed for about 30 minutes and then we saw this little cutie...

8 Lbs. 10 oz. 22 inches

All cleaned up

Proud Granny and Grandude

I spent the first night in the hospital with Rose. Harper and Rose both did such a great job. Rose and I had a lot of fun laughing and spending time with each other. It will be a Mothers Day that I will never forget. Rose and Harper are still doing well. Harper is doing a great job nursing, and has continued to gain weight. Every day Rose is feeling stronger and learning how to be sleep deprived and take care of a little one. Harper likes to cry a lot and is a pretty gassy babe, but Rose is a very patient woman and is working hard on trying to get him happy. He is sleeping several hours in his crib each day.

Avolyn is not quite sure about Harper yet. The first time she saw Harper she wasn't to interested. The second time she looked him up and down, and this past weekend she couldn't figure out why I was holding Harper and Rose was holding her. Tim was patiently waiting at the hospital (I am sorry I do not have a picture of Tim holding Harper and the hospital on my camera). Tim and Katie then came to visit after Rose and Harper got home before they left for Vermont. Jordan and Elizabeth came to visit this past weekend. It was great to see them for an evening. The first week of June Dan and Erica will come and meet Harper. Rose has been busy with many other friends and relatives stopping by to visit with Harper and her.

Welcome to Motherhood Rose, may you always have love, patience and strength in your day. And always know I am just a phone call or an hour away.

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