Sunday, December 13, 2009


Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas happenings are about to begin. We have been enjoying all of the holidays.

It is so fun to see Avolyn develop into a little girl, she is not a baby anymore. She make us laugh constantly. Her vocabulary is developing every day. She says many words....go, yeah-and sometimes she goes crazy and said yeah-yeah, Daddy-which sounds much like - doggy, but there is a difference. Up please, thank you, uh-oh, Abigail-she says Abigail but not Mommy. Hi-ho-when she is ready for a nap or for bed she says hi-ho. Down, no, more, hi, bye, the end- after reading a book, and when singing Old McDonald she sings E-I-E-I-O, get down-to Hunter as he tries to eat the food on her tray, and sit down-when she is in the bath, and we tell her to sit down. She tries new words everyday, she is good at copying us.

She loves to be included in everything. If Mike and I are laughing about something she will throw her head back and laugh so hard. At daycare she will stand in the corner and fake cry, just because that is what the other kids are doing. She loves to help me clean, she always finds the little piece on the floor that the vacuum doesn't. Avolyn loves helping load and put away dishes. Here is a video of her laughing, it sounds much like a least to me.

For Halloween we started our adventure with Harper and Rose. We went over to the house and tried to take some pictures of the Cousins all dolled up in their costumes, we got a few good ones. Both of the kiddos really did not mind their costumes. We then went to Grandmas and Pops then headed to Monrovia where Great Grandpa Eli, Aunt Sherry, Brooke and a few others all were ready for trick-o-treaters. We successfully bypassed all trick-o-treaters at our new place, at least for this year. I also made my first Halloween costume this year for a three-year-old whose mom works with me. I can't wait until Avolyn is old enough to appreciate a tutu costume too! Word on the street Abby was so excited to be a Garden Fairy and wore the costume proud.

Thanksgiving we spent the day in Monrovia with Mikes whole family. They always have a nice spread of great food. I forgot my camera. But Avolyn and Cameron (a cousin) and Brooke (another cousin) had a great time playing together. Thanksgiving Sunday we went to Bloomington. My brother Tim and friends were playing at a local pub. In the back is a family area, so Avolyn and Harper were able to listen and have a good time with us.

We also have a new addition to the family! That's right, more cousins!!! Mikes brother, Billy and his wife Amy had a baby on November 29 weighing in at 8lbs 9 oz, Wyatt Cooper! We have been able to see the new little babe several times. Each visit he just gets cuter and cuter.

Our Christmas celebration has begun. For the first time in our relationship Mike and I FINALLY have a tree up! One of my co-workers got a new one, so she gave us her old one, and it is perfect. We decided to put it in the dinning room at it looks fantastic. Avolyn had a good time watching Mike and I decorate the tree. After we were done we turned off the lights and sang "O Christmas Tree", but those were the only words we could remember, so we just sang them over and over again. By the end of the song Avolyn had joined in and started her own rendition of the song. It was a great family moment.

We have many fun Christmas gatherings to attend, the first was my work Christmas party. It was so much fun. We went my first year, and last year we didn't go because AV was 3 months old and we didn't want to leave her yet, so we were back at 'em again this year, we left early so we could get AV, but still enjoyed ourselves. To my surprise I received an award. 2 awards are given out each year, one for the outstanding nurse of the year, and one for the outstanding staff of the year. Someone has to nominate you, and well, I was honored to receive this award. It was pretty overwhelming. But something that I will treasure. The best part was that Mike was there, and got to experience it with me. The provider that introduced me asked if I wanted to say anything. I know this will shock most of you, but I said no!

Baby number 2 is doing just fine. I go back to the doctor this Tuesday, next month is the big month for the ultrasound! We are going to find out again if we are having a boy or a girl. I really am not sure yet. With Avolyn I knew that I was having a girl very very early, but I still don't have a for sure feeling yet. All of the dreams that I have had about this babe, they are all girls. So we will just have to wait a few short weeks and we will know! Pretty exciting. Just yesterday I finally starting feeling the baby. It is just nice to every so often feel the little babe, just reassuring. I love being pregnant.

I leave you with a few pictures from the past couple of months...enjoy...

We have such a happy little girl!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Avolyn Turns ONE!

We had such a fun time last Saturday celebrating the birth of Avolyn. The day was just perfect. We were surrounded by so many of our friends and family that have given us support from day one. It is wonderful to share a happy day with great people. It is amazing to watch our little girl grow up so quickly. She is so fun right now. She is really curious about most everything, loves to play and TALK! Her vocabulary is growing every day. She is walking! Last Saturday (her birthday) she really got the hang of it, and she hasn't looked back since. She wears herself out going from one side of the house to the other.

Here is a fantastic video of her walking and jumping out from the corner. She does this every day for a while, smiling the whole time, and of course watching us, to make sure that we are watching.

Here are the pictures from the fun-filled day! Our friend Adam has an amazing camera and eye for great pictures, these are from him.

And now for Avolyns photo shoot. She was so funny, striking different poses.

Thank you for everyone who sent us best wishes, and all the family and friends that came to our new place to celebrate.

Oh yeah, we also surprised everyone.......
Avolyn is going to be a BIG SISTER!

I am about 8ish weeks. We have our first appointment October 20. So more to come soon about the new little Gonser. We are so excited to expand our family.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Swimming and Cousin Fun!

**FYI- I started this blog before we moved, it is a little out dated, but I still wanted to post it. More new pictures and stories soon***

We have a little blow up swimming pool that we have been anxiously awaiting it to be hot enough to play in. We finally had an opportunity a few weeks ago. Mike was at work so I got Avolyn and the pool all ready so that when Mike came home we could enjoy an afternoon outside. I was yet again reminded that my plans are just fine, but will probably not happen the way that I had visioned. It probably took me longer to get the pool and Avolyn ready then the amount of time Avolyn really wanted to spend in the pool. Here are a few pictures documenting the occasion...

Wating for Dada

She would of rather of been on the dirty nasty deck and NOT the swimming pool.

Avolyn and Harper...Photo shoot #1....
We had a grand time taking pictures of the cutest kids in the world. Many more to come!

Harper and Mike had almost matching shirts.

Big news to come, many things on the front burner....Hope I can catch everyone up soon. Next Saturday AVOLYN TURNS ONE!!! How exciting!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

10 Months and Camby-Bound!

Hello faithful readers. Both my babes...well now that I look around alllllll my babes (Mike, Avolyn, Caine, Hunter and Prudence) are napping. I am listening to the newest Iron and Wine 2 disk c.d. (which is a-maz-ing). What a perfect time to blog.

Avolyn is great. What else were you expecting me to write? As she gets older there is more and more that she is experiencing. This month the major 'experience' has been her top teeth. We knew it was going to happen soon and it is still happening. Avolyn is a little dramatic..I wonder where she gets that from? We were outside this morning hanging out, waiting for Mike to come home from work. Every so often she would scream really loud, put her fist into her mouth and shake her whole body. I think the Tylenol was wearing off. What do you think? But for the most part, she is a trooper. We went to the doctors office on Friday (a week after her 9 month check up) and she has bi-lateral ear infections. The N.P. that we saw said that one ear was very bright red with puss starting to form, and the other one was just bright. From our last ear infection (yes...this is AVs 4th ear infection) we know that she is allergic to "Cillins" so we are trying something else and hopefully this will knock the infection right out. The N.P. did say that her stools might be red, and I am thankful that she told us because this morning she had a case of the red stool.Her poor nose just wont stop; she looks so pathetic.

Avolyn in her 10 months of glory has figured out how to get out of her Bumbo. We knew the day would come. It is pretty funny to watch her wiggle out. Perhaps I will get a video of the escape. It is pretty great. She is also using more sounds and cruising around the sofas in record speed. She has continued to enjoy new foods and exploring new textures in her hands. Enjoy this new video of our babbling babe....

We were able to enjoy another afternoon of Harper and Rose's company. This time Avolyn liked Harper a little more, and let Rose touch her. She is at the stage where she really likes her mama and dada the best and only. You are allowed to play and talk to Avolyn but no holding or picking up by anyone else. Rose and I went to the park for a walk with the kiddos. It ended a little short because Harper was not in the mood to walk. I think he was just sleepy and hot. But it was still nice getting out and spending some time with Ro.

Avolyn checking out Harp

This is how our walk started out

It is so nice for Rose and I to see each other often and share the whole mom thing together. It will be nice when we are closer to each other....

Thats right folks the Bloomington Gonsers are moving north and will be known as the Camby Gonsers. It is a bittersweet moment for us. We are wanting to expand our family but our perfectly cute little house just wont allow it. It was time to re-evaluate Bloomington. Mike and I have been here for 6ish years and love love LOVE Bloomington. But being closer to family is one of the major reasons why were are moving.

We are offically done with Bloomington day care! I will spare the details but this is a great thing. We are very thankful for the care that we have recieved here, and I know that there were many good things about the daycare that she was at, but it is time to move on. So this next week Avolyn will be spending the days with Grandma and Pops (Mikes folks) then the next week she will be starting at Bakers Dozen (which I have heard great things about). We are so excited that Mom will be starting to watch AV...and I think that Mom is very excited about it (that is an understatement).

Aug 21, if all goes as planned, we will be signing papers and we will own 2 houses! One is just not enough for our rich taste! We are going to be renting out our house in Bloomington, so if you know anyone please let us know. Mike is going to be transfered to a Kroger closer to Camby and continue his manager positon. I will be commuting to Bloomington for now.

This is the front of our NEW HOUSE! I am not sure what happened to the 2nd shutter. It was there the first time we checked out the house. Hmmm...

Our new house is going to be just great. It is 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. It has a family room, dinning room, huge kitchen, a loft, 2 car garage, an unfinished basement that Mike is pumped about. It has a dishwasher, nice set of washer/dryer. It has a fridge that has an ice AND water machine. It is just going to be perfect. It is in a neighboorhood that I have been told has many parks, 2 pools and a golf course. So hopefully everything will go smoothly from here to closing and we will be closer to a lot of people that we love.

Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks. Enjoy...

Have a fantastic week. I know we will....