Monday, June 29, 2009

Dads Day!

I know it is a little late...but how could we forget about Father's Day!?! It also gives me a few minutes to brag about what a great dad Mike is. Avolyn love love love loves her Da-da. Yes, she can say Da-da and loves saying it. It is great to see Mike and Avolyn together. Mike is a great dad and is wonderful with Avolyn. He is able to stay home with AV on Fridays and has enjoyed that time. It makes it hard for me to go to work on Fridays, but I know what a great time Avolyn and Mike have. Here are a few of my favorites of Avolyn and Mike from the past couple of weeks...

I think I have said before, but Avolyn really likes to be around the guitar. She is getting better strumming. I of course didnt get it, but right before this little clip she was strumming by herself. I have more pictures to share soon....

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