Sunday, April 26, 2009

April Showers, Races and Bath Time Fun...

A few weekends ago we had a baby shower for Rose. We had such a fun time celebrating Rose and her baby...
We had some pretty creative people at the shower. We had several activities planned. One was to make a baby out of play-doh, and there were some great babies! The biggest project that we did was made a scrapbook for Rose. Each person decorated a page that had to do with Rose and her baby.

This was the winner...

Rose received some fantastic gifts that will help her along the way...

This is my favorite moment captured at the shower...Rose and several of her friends...

Last weekend we walked in Race for the Cure in memory of our friend Ginny Buehler. Avolyn had a great time hanging out in her stroller and everyone survived the 3 mile walk. This was the 4th or 5th year to participate , and it is always a pretty cool experience to be apart of.

Avolyn has been enjoying her bath time in a more exciting way. We got this duck bath and Avolyn loves to play and splash in it. Her lips start quivering because she is getting cold, but it does not phase her at all. She could probably spend all day in it.

Enjoy the video and Mike saving Avolyn...She kept right on playing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

April was a good month thus far! Love the post, double style that is! Mandi