Sunday, April 19, 2009

Aunts, Uncles, Dads, and New Faces...

I guess it was almost a month ago that Billy and Amy came and spent some time in Bloomington. It is never enough time, but it is always so great to visit. It was the first really nice day and we enjoyed being outside for a change. Speaking of change...Amy and Billy recently found out that they were going to have a baby. We are so excited for them, and hope for more great changes in the near future. Amy was probably just a week or so pregnant when they visited. Avolyn had a great time hanging out with her aunt and uncle.

I have so many great pictures of Mike and Avolyn having a great time together. Avolyn has such a pretty smile, but even more so when Mike playing with Avolyn. She has been interested in touching and looking at everything. She still loves to sing with Mike, and the newest game is peek-a-boo. Avolyn will get her legs and arms a-swingin'. It is pretty fantastic.

Avolyn turned 6 months on April 3rd. She had her 6 month check up last week, and everything looks good. Avolyn sat on my lap and just watched the doctor. Our doctor was pleased with AVs progress. She weighs 18 lbs. 14 oz. and is 26.5 inches long. and is developmentally at a 8 month level. She is still doing great rolling. She has just recently figured out how to sit and semi-gracefully go from sitting to rolling, but she has not herself pulled up to sit yet. She is using more consonants. Mama is coming soon, I can feel it. She is exploring more and more foods. Just in the past few days we have been giving her Cherrios. She is slowly getting used to a new textures. She can pick them up, but realizing she can also put them in her mouth is still a mystery to her. Hunter and Prudence have enjoyed the Cherrios...they usually end up with the cereal that gets to the floor. Here are some new 'Faces of Avolyn' for your enjoyment...

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