Monday, September 29, 2008

The waiting continues...

We are now -2 days of the due date. Any time little Avolyn wants to come would just be fine with us. Friday we went to the doctor and my blood pressure was a little high. The doctor wanted me to just take it easy this past weekend. Even though I had a million and one things going in my head, for the most part I was able to keep pretty relaxed. We went back today and my blood pressure was the best it has ever been. I have hardly progressed in thinning and I am just 1 cm dilated still. We are going back to the doctor on Thursday where I will have another ultrasound and then need to make some decisions. Hopefully she will come before then so I wont have to be induced. At 36 weeks we had an ultrasound and she was measuring 7.5 lbs so now the doctors say that she is probably around 9.5 lbs. We are all very excited and will hopefully be able to post something soon after we know what is going on, and of course pictures of our little piggy when she finally decides to grace us with her presence. Until then enjoy these pictures of our little family.

1 comment:

Jennifer, Eric, Isaiah, and Noah Heuer said...

Oh Sara! You look so ready to have your little are glowing! Can't wait to see pics once she arrives!!!